Protecting your Trucking Company from Cyberattacks

The U.S. trucking industry is a big one. Worth hundreds of billions of dollars, it employs five percent of all full-time jobs and moves more than 70 percent of all freight. It’s also dynamic. As our cities and communities grow more connected, so too does our transport. It’s no longer about just moving products from point A to point B. Modern logistics is about understanding customers, driving efficiency, and improving profitability. It’s also about mitigating risk.

Not surprisingly, the trucking and transportation industry has also become one of the latest targets for cyber hackers. ZDNet, for example, reports on a cyberattack targeting shipping and transport companies that has been unfolding since May 2019; the attackers developed custom malware targeted specifically to the transport industry. The malware allows attackers to monitor actions on infected systems and access data and it remains unclear how many machines were initially compromised.

As threats like these mount in frequency and sophistication, now is the time for trucking industry leaders to take steps to protect their operations and information. This is exactly why we’re excited to offer tailored IT services and support designed with and for the trucking and transportation industry. Modern cybersecurity technologies and practices will help proactive trucking companies stand out – and survive – in today’s competitive industry. Here, we outline cybersecurity best practices to consider for your own trucking or transportation business, of any size.

1) First Stop: A Robust Assessment of Your IT Infrastructure

If we think of this as an “IT roadmap for modern transport”, one early stop along the route is a proper assessment of your IT infrastructure. Large transport companies will have the in-house resources required to complete a robust assessment. Many, however, do not. Hiring a knowledgeable third-party expert is a great solution to overcome internal resource or budget constraints. A trusted partner can provide a full and customized inspection of your unique technology infrastructure and help determine potential vulnerabilities.

At N8 Solutions, we’ve teamed up with Tom Cucciare, formerly of Cucciare Specialized Transport, to offer tailored IT services and support for the transportation industry, including a targeted IT assessment. Our experts will analyze your systems to uncover security vulnerabilities, review back-ups, and identify any network issues that may result in slow systems and costly downtime. Our service is built on the premise that speed – and security – is key for your transport business. 

2) Conduct a Penetration Test

Continuing on your IT roadmap, a second stop is a penetration test of your IT environment. A penetration test , or “pen test”, is a planned, simulated cyberattack on your system to identify potential vulnerabilities. Trained experts will test and probe your system; often, this is done without your team or workforce’s knowledge, so we can see where the actual vulnerabilities lie. We recommend that you conduct a pen test every year to stay on top of evolving threats and technologies. 

As part of our tailored IT services for the transportation industry, N8 Solutions can conduct a robust, end-to-end “pen test” of your operations. The results will help you create the best possible cybersecurity strategy, including a plan for quick remediation and recovery. 

3) What Are your Risks?

Risk is another critical consideration, and it’s dotted all along your IT roadmap. With a constantly evolving threat landscape, there's a seemingly endless list of risks to assess. The best way to navigate risk is to identify and prioritize them, based on the impact they would have on your trucking or transportation business. 

The most common threats today include malware, viruses, ransomware, and phishing, though new threat vectors emerge all the time. Performing a risk assessment now also presents your best opportunity to make the changes and improvements that will protect your business tomorrow

The best approach may be to partner with a reputable vendor that can conduct a robust risk assessment and help you make sense of the next steps. An SBA survey suggests that 88% of SMBs feel they are vulnerable to an attack, yet many lack the time, resources, or knowledge to do anything about it. 

4) Update your Critical Software 

Another important mile marker is your anti-virus and anti-malware software, two vital components of a strong security infrastructure. Make sure that you have the correct software installed, and that it’s regularly updated to keep up with the latest security strategies. Many providers regularly provide patches and updates to better secure their products and improve functionality. 

Many cybercriminals make their way in via phishing emails and other endpoint vulnerabilities. Anti-virus and anti-malware will help you detect, protect, and remove malicious software from your trucking business systems. The right solution can stop some of the most common and damaging attacks, including Trojan Horse attacks, ransomware, rootkits, keyloggers, and exploits. 

 If you need to select and install new software, many resources, such as PC Mag, offer reviews and recommendations on both professional and free antivirus tools based on price, level of protection, and ratings. However, it can be daunting to parse through the many available options. The best approach may be to work with an expert to help you identify the right software. 

5) Consider Insurance

One known entity in all of this: Cyberattacks are costly. According to one source, the average cost of a data breach in 2019 was $92 million; the average cost for a small to midsize business was $149,000. Cyber insurance is a smart addition to your business operations. Cyber insurance policies can help protect your trucking or transportation business against financial loss and recover remediation costs in the event an intrusion does take place. The risk is real and impactful. One study found that 96% of claims in the cyber insurance marketplace are attributed to small and medium-sized businesses.

However, please note that many cyber insurance companies require a robust security program be in place first. Through our tailored IT services for the transportation industry, we can help you decipher and implement the required measures quickly, so you can get up and running and have the peace of mind of good insurance coverage.

6) Beep, beep, beep. Back up!

Another critical component of your roadmap is a plan to regularly or automatically backup your business data and information, from all computers, devices, and systems. This might include everything from basic Word documents to large databases to financial or human resources files. Where to put it? You may want to explore multiple avenues, such as storing your backed-up data both offsite and in the cloud. Access to data that has been properly (and recently) backed up can reduce the downtime you experience following an attack.

As the trucking and transportation industry continues to modernize with improved technologies, the risk of cyberattacks will also increase. As you know, some trucks today can sport more than a dozen computers; in addition, your business office infrastructure presents additional attack vectors.

Be aware of the changing landscape, share knowledge with your staff, and enhance your security posture through improved business processes and technologies. Where it makes sense, turn to the experts. Our team at N8 Solutions is here to provide customized assistance; we bring more than 40 years of experience in trucking and transport IT.

Whether you’re looking to connect with new customers through a captivating website, streamline internal processes and enable a mobile workforce, or mitigate cybersecurity risks, we can help you chart a path that keeps your workforce safely on the road. 

Learn more about our customized services for the trucking and transportation industry or reach out to schedule a free assessment today